7 research outputs found

    Pareto Optimal Strategies for Event Triggered Estimation

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    Although resource-limited networked autonomous systems must be able to efficiently and effectively accomplish tasks, better conservation of resources often results in worse task performance. We specifically address the problem of finding strategies for managing measurement communication costs between agents. A well understood technique for trading off communication costs with estimation accuracy is event triggering (ET), where measurements are only communicated when useful, e.g., when Kalman filter innovations exceed some threshold. In the absence of measurements, agents can use implicit information to achieve results almost as well as when explicit data is always communicated. However, there are no methods for setting this threshold with formal guarantees on task performance. We fill this gap by developing a novel belief space discretization technique to abstract a continuous space dynamics model for ET estimation to a discrete Markov decision process, which scalably accommodates threshold-sensitive ET estimator error covariances. We then apply an existing probabilistic trade-off analysis tool to find the set of all optimal trade-offs between resource consumption and task performance. From this set, an ET threshold selection strategy is extracted. Simulated results show our approach identifies non-trivial trade-offs between performance and energy savings, with only modest computational effort.Comment: 8 pages, accepted to IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 202

    Chance-Constrained Multi-Robot Motion Planning under Gaussian Uncertainties

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    We consider a chance-constrained multi-robot motion planning problem in the presence of Gaussian motion and sensor noise. Our proposed algorithm, CC-K-CBS, leverages the scalability of kinodynamic conflict-based search (K-CBS) in conjunction with the efficiency of the Gaussian belief trees used in the Belief-A framework, and inherits the completeness guarantees of Belief-A's low-level sampling-based planner. We also develop three different methods for robot-robot probabilistic collision checking, which trade off computation with accuracy. Our algorithm generates motion plans driving each robot from its initial state to its goal while accounting for the evolution of its uncertainty with chance-constrained safety guarantees. Benchmarks compare computation time to conservatism of the collision checkers, in addition to characterizing the performance of the planner as a whole. Results show that CC-K-CBS can scale up to 30 robots.Comment: Submitted to 2023 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS

    New Insights into the Regulation of RNP Granule Assembly in Oocytes

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